Climate change adaptation prioritisation overview
An assessment of the vulnerability of the Catchment’s natural resources to climate change and consideration of values (environmental, social and economic) has been used to identify focus areas for adaptation (see figure below).
Figure: The climate change adaptation prioritisation framework
A regional NRM planning framework review and Driver-Pressure-State-Impact-Response analysis was used, in consultation with regional NRM planning stakeholders, to identify a set of criteria to assess adaptation priority (see table below).
Table: criteria used for assessing adaptation priority
Using this assessment, eleven focus areas for climate change adaptation have been identified in two types of landscapes; each are of high value but differ in vulnerability under the climate change scenario for 2030:
- Planned adaptation priority focus areas have higher sensitivity and lower adaptive capacity and are of high value. Such areas should be considered first for developing and implementing management programs to address vulnerability to climate change.
- Semi-autonomous adaptation priority focus areas have lower sensitivity and higher adaptive capacity under current tenure and management and are of high value. Specific adaptation interventions may be not required above current management and tenure arrangement, however, given the high values present, a “watching brief” should be maintained to detect any changes in natural resource condition that suggests the need for adaptation.